Internet School Experimental System - iSES

Note: The support with written texts, software, news in hardware is to be found on www page ( - (sorry only in Czech).

Software ISESWIN

The data in ISES system is depicted both in analog or digital form, on variable number of panels, with depicted quantities either those measured by modules or their combinations (addition, subtraction, product, quotient etc.). The software provides data processing (integration, differentiation, fitting, approximation etc.). The data export for another graphical processor is straightforward.

Software ISESWIN: data presenting (with the depicted integration
- red area and selection of points of interest
- blue points and the table) ideally function
Software ISESWIN: Sound experiment
Software ISESWIN:
Fit the experimental data width ideally function
Software ISESWIN: Voltage-current curve, Ge, Si, Zener diode